The Dangers of Tree Felling without Professional Assistance

Regin De Suoza
3 min readFeb 5, 2021


Stump grinding in Surrey
Dangers of Tree Felling without Professional Assistance

When environmentalists are spending sleepless nights over the thought of Global Warming and asking people to plant more trees to protect the only living planet, the idea of felling trees may seem strange or outright sickening to some. But felling a tree is not always about harming nature but sometimes it’s a necessity and can even save the environment.

However, this is only possible when it’s done with the perfect assistance from specialists who are qualified and experienced to handle tree felling in Surrey professionally.

Tree Felling in Surrey
Tree Felling in Surrey

Let’s take a look at the dangers that involve the task of tree felling:

Risks from tools

The equipment (log splitters, chainsaws, and wood chippers) smoothens the task of tree felling to a great extent are also reasons behind making the work risky. These dangerous tools can lead to fatal accidents if handled by untrained workers as they are incredibly dangerous.

The deaths that often occur due to tree-felling do not always involve forestry contractors in Surrey. Many unprofessional people try to do the job of tree surgeons and end up with a completely chaotic situation. The messy outcome doesn’t end here. The injured person/people also need hospitalisation and proper care which also cost a lot.

The risk from the Tree itself

Another source of risk for the professionals is the tree they are dealing with. Anything can go wrong during the process of tree-felling.

Though the use of safety gear is mandatory now, it’s still quite common for organisations and surgeons alike to work without following the guidelines fixed by the Government.

The risk from the Power Lines

Working as a tree removal service provider in Surrey Hills comes with its own risk of being electrocuted or knocking out the power in the neighborhood.

Many homeowners believe in a wrong notion that the black coating on power lines is insulation whereas this is far from the truth. The coating only works as weather-proofing which does not protect one from being electrocuted.

Risk from Gravity

Once tree surgeons are done with their tree surgery, tree removal in Surrey requires special care. After the completion of surgery tree care, the tree can fall down anywhere at any of the sides. A simple wrong calculation can lead to a disaster.

Proper Tree Survey is Crucial

While dealing with the city of Surrey tree removal department, focus on a fool-proof planning system to ensure the safety of the task. Abide by the guidelines set by the Government to keep the entire process smooth and seamless.

